Artwork for Loose Suits
Adulting is hard. We all know it. Navigating our personal lives can be tough enough and then you’ve got the added stress of navigating work too?! *sigh* Whether it’s ‘how do I set boundaries with my colleagues?’ or ‘When’s a good time to bring up the subject of a payrise?’ and ‘How do you even ask for one?!’ there’s always situations at work where we could do with getting some advice, right? Well, what if you could ask someone whose probably experienced all these scenarios and quite a few others? Someone who knows all about high-pressure environments, how to manage difficult situations and people, and navigating the patriarchy at work. Someone who can give you real solid advice, who knows how to walk the walk, not just talk the talk at work – and do it looking sharp too. Someone who’s absolutely bossing their own career and whose advice could possibly help you level up yours. Maybe they’ve won some awards along the way? How about an OBE? Better yet, what if there was 3 of them? Welcome to Loose Suits.
This podcast is hosted by Captivate's Logo

Loose Suits

Adulting is hard. We all know it. Navigating our personal lives can be tough enough and then you’ve got the added stress of navigating work too?! *sigh* Whether it’s ‘how do I set boundaries with my colleagues?’ or ‘When’s a good time to bring up the subject of a payrise?’ and ‘How do you even ask for one?!’ there’s always situations at work where we could do with getting some advice, right? Well, what if you could ask someone whose probably experienced all these scenarios and quite a few others? Someone who knows all about high-pressure environments, how to manage difficult situations and people, and navigating the patriarchy at work. Someone who can give you real solid advice, who knows how to walk the walk, not just talk the talk at work – and do it looking sharp too. Someone who’s absolutely bossing their own career and whose advice could possibly help you level up yours. Maybe they’ve won some awards along the way? How about an OBE? Better yet, what if there was 3 of them? Welcome to Loose Suits.
This podcast is hosted by Captivate's Logo